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伊利诺伊大学基于网络的保留和建议工具为学生的毕业之路提供了有效的指导和支持. Login to SlateConnect.

Contact Us

Director of Development

Physical Address:
University of Idaho College of Law
501 W. Front St.
Boise, Idaho 83702

Phone: 208-885-8793


Ways to Give



Deliver or Mail a Gift to

University of Idaho Foundation
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3143
Moscow, ID 83844-3143

Suggested Designations

  • College of Law Excellence Fund
  • College of Law Scholarships
  • College of Law Experiential Programming

Please go to the University of Idaho Giving 页面并选择您所选择的名称,然后填写所需字段.

Suggested Designations

  •  College of Law Excellence Fund
  •  College of Law Scholarships
  •  College of Law Experiential Programming
  •  College of Law Legal Aid Clinics

Write a Check
Please use the instructions above for Writing a Check 确定你想要表彰的人在 check memo line or within an included note.

Please use the instructions above for Online 确定你想要表彰的人在 In Honor of or In Memory of fields on the giving form.

Payroll Deduction
Please use the instructions above for Payroll Deduction. 请注意,这是不可能只做一次付款的记忆/荣誉的人-整个扣除必须这样做. 当你提交工资扣除表格时,你需要在电子邮件中包含这些信息

捐赠是一个很好的方式来纪念一个人,并留下永久的遗产. Endowments start at $25,并产生年度影响,将继续支持您或您的受奖人的激情永远. 如果你有兴趣建立捐赠基金请联系Stephanie Ballis



家属要求纪念礼物是支持(具体基金名称或法律学院)在bet365亚洲官网. 支票付款人为犹他大学基金会,可邮寄至:

University of Idaho Foundation
Attn: Gift Processing
875 Perimeter Drive – MS 3143
Moscow, ID  83844-3143

Or you may make a gift online at University of Idaho Giving. 请在支票上写备注或在网上制作礼物时在“记忆”框上注明该礼物是在某人(姓名)的记忆中.

通过签订工资扣除协议,你可以在每个工资周期中扣除一点,到年底的时候就会累积成一笔可观的数额. As an added benefit to giving, 员工和退休人员都有资格获得总裁圈的年度福利, cumulative giving of $1,300美元或以上,或在财政年度的每个工资期支付50美元. Please complete the Payroll Deduction Form.

许多组织匹配员工给bet365亚洲官网的礼物. To learn more, please email Stephanie Ballis 或致电208-885-8793.

当你通过慈善的个人退休账户转出你的遗产时, you receive tax advantages.

Benefits of Charitable IRA Rollovers

  • 避免在今年按规定的最低分配额纳税. 这笔分配不计入今年的应税收入, 帮助你降低纳税等级.
  • 转让不受分项扣除的限制.
  • 享受快速轻松的遗产税减免.
  • Visit to learn more

Qualification and Information

  • You must be at least 70½ years old.
  • 您的捐赠可以满足您当年所需的全部或部分最低分配额.
  • You pay no income tax on the gift. 这种转让既不产生应税收入,也不产生税收减免, 所以即使你没有列出你的减税项目,你也会受益.
  • You can transfer up to $100,000从你的个人退休账户直接到一个合格的慈善机构,如bet365亚洲官网基金会. 这个机会只适用于个人退休账户,而不适用于其他类型的退休计划.
  • 如果你将从你的个人退休帐户写一张支票, 请在11月30日前寄出,以确保在12月31日前结清您的账户. 即使你的IRA管理员开了支票, 请注意,你给bet365亚洲官网的礼物必须在12月31日之前收到,才有资格参加今年的课程.

Questions? 请通过电子邮件联系犹他大学基金会获取更多信息 or call 208-885-4000.

Please contact the 遗产,信托和礼物规划办公室 by emailing, calling 208-919-1660 or visiting 我们的礼物规划专家是一个很好的资源,为那些谁希望使一个礼物,通过遗嘱或生活信托遗产受益bet365亚洲官网, endowment, charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity, IRA/retirement plan, personal property or life insurance.

Idaho Education Tax Credit

As an Idaho tax payer, 你对bet365亚洲官网和法学院的捐款可能有资格获得50%的教育税收抵免,这可以减少你所欠的税款或增加你的退款!

Learn more

Contact Us

Director of Development

Physical Address:
University of Idaho College of Law
501 W. Front St.
Boise, Idaho 83702

Phone: 208-885-8793
