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What is the OVW Campus Grant Program?

In September 2020, the U.S. 司法部暴力侵害妇女问题办公室(OVW)向bet365亚洲官网妇女中心提供了近300美元的持续赠款,为防止校园暴力计划再资助三年. 妇女中心在2016年获得了OVW的资助. 这项拨款是为参与校园活动的努力提供资金, community, 发展和实施文化相关的州和国家组织, 社区响应预防教育方案和受害者服务. 该项目将更加强调跟踪预防教育和向残疾学生提供服务.

What are the grant goals?

  • Goal 1: Broaden campus and community engagement;
  • Goal 2: 减少性侵犯、家庭暴力、约会暴力和跟踪行为;
  • Goal 3: Effective and timely intervention.


  1. 一个协调的社区反应小组;
  2. 全面的预防教育和宣传;
  3. Student conduct;
  4. Law enforcement;
  5. Victim services.

Green Dot Video

OVW拨款的一个核心目标是让男性和学生运动员参与校园暴力预防工作. 绿点公益广告鼓励破坏者在同伴需要支持时挺身而出.

所有奖助会活动将会支持及促进 Clery Act and Title IX 合规,积极努力吸引男性和文化谦逊.

Campus and Community Partners

协调一致的社区应对办法确保及时, 对性侵犯的文化相关和尊重的回应, domestic violence, 校园内外的约会暴力和跟踪行为. 实施这种方法需要建立一个协调社区反应小组(CCRT)。. This team coordinates all prevention and intervention efforts; facilitates communication between key campus departments and community partners; ensures messages across efforts are consistent and reinforced; and ensures the system’s response to survivors is seamless, consistent and supportive.

CCRT Subcommittees


Members include:

  • Aaron Morris,莫斯科警察局校园处警官
  • Cari Fealy, Associate Dean of Students
  • Emilie McLarnan暴力预防项目办公室副主任
  • Rachel Norris, OVW Project Director, Women’s Center
  • Lysa Salsbury, Director, Women’s Center
  • Campus Advocate, ATVP

动员男子小组委员会制定和执行旨在使校园男子参与预防基于性别的暴力的教育方案, with a focus on healthy masculinities, 非暴力沟通及其作为旁观者的角色.

Members include:

  • Eric Anderson, Interim Director, Career Services
  • Bryce Blankenship, Faculty Instructor, Dept. of Philosophy and Politics
  • John Hennrich,案例经理,学生主任办公室
  • Sean McIlraith, Administrative Coordinator, Dept. of Athletics
  • Emilie McLarnan,案例经理,学生主任办公室
  • Lysa Salsbury, Director, Women's Center
  • Mark Sowa, Head Swim and Dive Coach
  • Taylor Raney,教育学院课程与教学副主席

该小组委员会对现有的预防培训进行持续的盘点和评估,以确定特定学生群体的差距, 为所有学生更广泛地实施教育计划,确定文化响应和可访问的策略, staff, faculty and community members. 该小组建议并协助拟订和执行方案调整, 适应或创新,以满足参与者的需求.

Members include:

  • Dana Brolley, Director, International Services
  • Erin Chapman, Associate Clinical Professor of Family & Consumer Sciences & 人类性学和代表,教务委员会
  • James Fry, Chief of Police, Moscow Police Department
  • Julia Keleher, Director, LGBTQA Office (chair)
  • Emilie McLarnan暴力预防项目办公室副主任
  • Emily Tuschhoff, Director of Health Promotion

该小组委员会审查现有的大学和地方社区政策, 协议和程序通过创伤知情, 以文化为导向,确定必要的更新并确定需要改进的地方.

Members include:

  • Erin Agidius, 第九条公民权利办公室协调员和主任 & Investigations (co-chair)
  • Cari Fealy, Associate Dean of Students (co-chair)
  • Leonard Johnson, Navy ROTC
  • Shane Keen公共安全办公室首席合规官 & Security
  • Jesse Martinez,多元文化事务办公室主任

该小组委员会将制定特定项目的营销和信息,以确保一致性, inclusivity, 具有广泛的吸引力,与奖助金所设定的目标一致,并有助于向汪达尔社区传达明确的价值观和期望.

Members include:

  • Yolanda Bisbee首席多样性官兼部落关系执行主任
  • Corey Ray, 住房和居住生活副主任
  • Lysa Salsbury, Director, Women’s Center

Through a trauma-informed lens, 该小组委员会审查为受害者和幸存者提供的现有服务和应对措施, 识别当前的优势和改进的机会.

Members include:

  • Tim Besst他是拉塔县警长办公室的副警长
  • Jonathon Rosinsky,莫斯科警察局校园处警官
  • Aaron Morris,莫斯科警察局校园处警官
  • Omni Francetich,职员议会代表(受害者服务主席)
  • Jessica Long, Coordinator, Legal Aid Clinic
  • Mandy Roberts, Administrative Coordinator, Army ROTC
  • Maureen Marchant, Counseling and Mental Health Center
  • Sydel Samuels美国原住民学生中心主任
  • Karla Neumann Smiley, The Center(信仰资源中心)

Contact Us

Memorial Gym Suite 109

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1064
Moscow, ID 83844-1064

Phone: 208-885-2777

Fax: 208-885-6285


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